Adding Game controller framework to your IOS app is now straight forward and easy to implemtent Checkout the useful links below to get your game working with hundreds of game controllers including XBOX One, PS4 DualShock PS5 DualSense, Nintendo Switch Joy’sCon and many many more 3rd party physical controllers.
Game Controller Implementation & Documentation (Apple Developer Link)
Sample XCode (Apple Developer Lnk)
Video Ref:
Advancements in Game Controllers – WWDC20 – Videos – Apple Developer
NOTE: Game Dev’s dont’ forget to make your App description display “Controller Supported” badge in your Games Appstore Listing. Many games that support controllers the devs forget to do this step.
Your App Store product page will display controller badging, (example above)
To indicate controller support, follow a few simple steps:
- Open your Xcode project.
- Navigate to the Signing & Capabilities section of your app target.
- Add the “Game Controllers” capability in Xcode.
- Select each of the controller profiles your app or game supports.